A 38-year-old motorcyclist died after crashing into a car and hitting a tree in the central reservation near the intersection of João Jorge, Amoreiras and Prestes Maia avenues, in Campinas (SP) , this Monday (28).
A video made by the motorcyclist who was right behind captured the moment of the accident , when the victim was "weaving" through traffic. When he saw the man trying to pass between the car and the flowerbed, he said: "Oh, he died"
Resource: https://g1.globo.com/sp/campinas-regiao/noticia/2024/10/28/ai-morreu-video-flagra-momento-em-que-motociclista-costura-no-transito-bate-em-carro-e-arvore-e-morre-em-campinas.ghtml